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Kitten Bathing

All bathing packages are available at a $10 discount for kittens under 6 months of age. â€‹


I recommend kittens have their first bath and blow dry under 6 months of age.  Kittens are very noise sensitive and quite jumpy, so around 4-6 months is ideal.


Kittens should have 6-12 weekly bath and brushes, especially if longhair and high maintenance such as Persians, Maine Coons, Ragdolls and British Longhair.

Kitten grooming...


A cat can take up to 2 years to get their full shedding coat and go through coat changes. Cats are born with soft, downy fur, and as they move out of the newborn phase their coat grows with them.  In most breeds and types of cats, the “kitten coat” is shorter, softer and less glossy than the fur they will wear as an adult.  


Sometime between the age of 6 and 12 months, as the kitten reaches adolescence, he will begin to shed his baby fur and the lovely coat he will wear for his adult years develops.  Before this time, cat owners will have noticed very little shedding.  But during this time of transition, all that changes.


A cats hair grows from follicles located in the skin.  Cats have what are known as compound follicles, which means that as many as 20 hairs can grow from each follicle.  By comparison, human follicles grow only one lonely hair each.  As the kitten coat begins to pull away from the follicle to make room for the adult coat, suddenly you may find tumbleweeds of hair under the sofa and clumps on your best shirt.


Proof of vaccination


Proof of vaccination is required for all kittens less than 6 months old.  It is required that kitten's have had their second Vaccination 10 days prior to attending the salon, or when the Vet says possible health wise. 

The Vet will recommend that Kittens receive their first vaccine at 6-8 weeks of age, a second vaccine at 10–12 weeks of age, and a third vaccine at 14-16 weeks old.

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