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My name is Natasha, cat groomer and owner of Cat Grooming Purrfection.

I absolutely love cat grooming and helping so many beautiful cats by making them look, smell, and most importantly – feel amazing and happy!


I’m excited to provide a one-on-one grooming service that provides for the individual needs of your cat. 

I allow enough time for them to be groomed at their own pace while being the centre of attention within a safe and secure environment.


As a pet care professional and pet parent, I truly understand the importance of having a trusted professional to provide

undivided care and attention. 

My fur child is a beautiful Birman cat named Patricia Scarlet (AKA Puss Puss),

she’s my pride and joy, and I’d LOVE to meet yours.


Please feel free to text or phone me if you have any inquiries or if you would like to make a booking.  I really look forward to hearing from you and potentially meeting your favourite companion.

Natasha xx

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